Page 7 - 18-19年度RFGMS手冊電子書專用
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Rotory Foundation Grant Management Seminar

            2017-18 年度 國際扶輪基金會主席 簡介
            Paul A. Netzel TRF Chairman for 2017–18

                 PRID and current Trustee Paul A. Net-
            zel, a member of Rotary Club of Los Ange-
            les, California, USA, will be TRF Chairman
            for the year 2017-2018.

                                                              美國加州洛杉磯扶輪社                        ◆
                 Paul A. Netzel is founder and chair of Net-  Paul A. Netzel  是一家領先的管理
            zel Grigsby Associates Inc., a leading manage-  諮詢公司 Netzel Grigsby Associates
            ment consulting firm specializing in work with
            nonprofit organizations and institutions through-  Inc.,  的創辦人及主席,專門與美國
            out the western United States. He served as     西部的非營利組織和機構合作。他曾
            mayor of Culver City, California, and president   擔任加利福尼亞州卡爾弗城市市長和
            of Culver City’s Board of Education. He has     教育委員會主席。  他在許多地方和
            held leadership positions in numerous local and
            national professional societies and not-for-profit   國家專業學會和非營利組織擔任領導
            boards, including the Association of Fundraising   職務,包括專業募款協會,童子軍,
            Professionals, the Boy Scouts, Goodwill Indus-  善待殘疾人工業協會,聯合勸募會,
            tries, United Way, YMCA, and the Auto Club of
            Southern California Advisory Board.             YMCA 和南加州汽車總會顧問團。
                 A Rotarian since 1968, Netzel has served
            as director, task force zone coordinator, com-  Netzel 一直擔任理事,擔任過地帶專
            mittee chair, zone institute chair and convener,   案任務協調人,委員會主委,地帶研
            International Assembly moderator and chair,     習會主委和召集人,國際講習會主持
            training leader, and district governor.         人和主席,訓練領導人和地區總監。

                 Netzel has received The Rotary Founda-       Netzel 得過扶輪基金會所頒發的扶
            tion’s Citation for Meritorious Service. Both Paul   輪基金有功服務獎。Paul 和他的妻子
            and his wife, Diane, are charter members of the   Diane,是阿奇可藍夫協會創始會員,
            Arch Klumph Society, Major Donors, and mem-
            bers of the Paul Harris Society and Bequest     巨額捐獻人,保羅哈里斯協會會員和
            Society of The Rotary Foundation.               扶輪基金會的遺贈會員。

                 Source: Rotary International                                                   07
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