Page 66 - 2019-20年度 PETS手冊
P. 66


                                                                                                                                                                   Promotional Video 推廣影片製作
                                                                                                                                                                   Subtotal 小計                                             $180,000
                                                                            #of people  US$    Budget (US$)
             Line Item Description 項目      Detailed Description 說明                                                                   Office Expenses(Computer
                                                                              人數        美元    預估金額(美元)
                                                                                                                                     equipment,Stationary,supplies)辦公                                                       $50,000
             Expenses 支出                                                                                                             室費用(電腦設備、文具、用品)
             Ticketed Events 憑票參加活動                                                                                                  Hired Staff Expenses
                                           Event #1 Symphony Orchestra Concert 交  2,000   $80       $160,000                         聘雇辦事員費用                                                                               $220,000
                                           Event #2 Host Hospitality            3,000     $10        $30,000                         Temporary Help 臨時雇員費用                                                                  $30,000
                                           地主招待之夜                                                                                    Telephone, Fax, Cell Phones
                                           Event #3 Muscial Drama               2,500     $80       $200,000                                                                                                                $30,000
                                           音樂戲劇表演                                                                                    電話、傳真、手機                                                                               $30,000
                                           Event #4 Cultural Night 文化之夜         3,000     $80       $248,000                         Bank Charges 銀行手續費
                                           Subtotal 小計                                              $638,000                         Professional Fees (Legal,
             Committee Meetings                                                                                                      Accounting, Insurance)                                                                 $50,000
             各類委員會會議                                                                                                                 專業服務費(法律、會計、保險)
                                           Regular 一般會議
                                           Training 訓練會議                                                                             Host Registration Setup/Support                                                        $20,000
                                           RI Convention Committee                                                                   Exp 地主註冊佈置及支援費用
                                           Executive Committee 執行委員會                                                                 Host Volunteer Onsite Expenses
                                           Promotion Chair/Committee                                                                 地主義工現場支出
                                           推廣委員會                                                                                                                   Volunteer Vests/Uniforms
                                           Subtotal 小計                                              $150,000                                                       義工背心及制服
             Convention Transportation                                                              $500,000                                                       Information Services 資訊服務
                                                                                                                                                                   Other 雜支
             Event Coordinator/Consultancy                                                           $30,000                                                       Subtotal 小計                                             $150,000
             會議及活動諮詢費用                                                                                                               Transportation and Parking                                                             $52,000
                                                                                                                                     Expenses 交通及停車支出
             House of Friendship 友誼之家                                                                                                Contingencies & Misc. Onsite
                                           Entertainment & Stage Production                                                          expenses 其他雜費及現場支出 之                                                                  $500,000
                                           娛興節目及舞台製作                                                                                 準備金
                                           Booth Buildup 攤位搭建佈置                                                                      Total Expenses 支出合計                                                                 $5,680,000
                                           Other 其他                                                                                  Net Income/(loss) 淨收入(損失)                                                                   0
                                           Subtotal 小計                                              $500,000
             Venue Rental 場地租金                                                                     $2,200,000
             Furniture and Equipment Rental                                                         $150,000

             Convention Airport/City                                                                $100,000
             Decoration 機場/市區推廣佈置

             Postage, Printing & Photocopying                                                       $100,000

             Advertising/Publicity 廣告/宣傳
                                           Promotion Material 推廣資料製作
                                           Zone Institute 地帶研習會
                                           International Assembly 國際講習會
                                           International Convention 國際年會                                                                                                            3

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