Page 93 - 2022-23DTA訓練研習手冊
P. 93

Extension Committee                            4)  能否兼顧彼此利益?
               擴展委員會                                        Functioning Rotary Club
                  external extension                       功能正常之扶輪社
                   社外擴展                                     Fundamental Characteristics of Rotary
                  internal extension                       扶輪之基本特質
                   社內擴展                                     Fundraising Activities by Clubs
               F                                            扶輪社募款活動
               Facilitator                                  Future Vision Committee
               引導人                                          未來願景委員會
               Family Month                                 Future Vision Plan
               家庭月                                          未來願景計畫
               Family of Rotary                             Future Vision Pilot
               扶輪家庭                                         未來願景試辦計畫
               Fellowship                                   G
               聯誼                                           General Council of RIBI
               Fellowship Committee                         英愛國際扶輪審議會
               聯誼委員會                                        General Officers of RI
               Fellowships, Rotary                          國際扶輪之高階職員
               扶輪聯誼會                                        Geographic Location
               Finance Committee                            地理位置
               財務委員會                                        GETS (Governor-Elect Training Seminar)
               Fireside Meeting                             總監當選人訓練研討會
               懇談會、爐邊會                                      Getting Started in Rotary
               First Name Custom                            扶輪初階
               直呼名字的習慣                                      Gift Agreement
               Fiscal Year                                  (永久基金/指定冠名捐獻)協議書
               會計年度                                         Global Grants
               Five-for-One Plan                            全球獎助金
               「逢五進一」計畫                                     Global Networking Groups
               Former Rotarians                             全球網絡團體
               前扶輪社員                                        GMS (Grants Management Seminar)
               Founder of Rotary                            獎助金管理研討會
               扶輪的創始人                                       GNTS (Governor-nominee Training Seminar)
               Four-Way Test                                總監提名人訓練研討會
               四大考驗                                         Good Standing
                 Of the things we think, say or do:         品行端正
                 1)  Is it the TRUTH?                       Governor's Monthly Letter
                 2)  Is it FAIR to all concerned?           總監月報
                 3)  Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER      Governor's Special Representative
                     FRIENDSHIPS?                           總監特別代表
                 4)  Will it be BENEFICIAL to all           2017 改稱 New club adviser 新社顧問
                     concerned?                             Governor's Visit to Club
                 我們所想、所說、所做的事應事先捫心自                         地區總監公式訪問扶輪社
                 問:                                         Group Representatives
                 1)  是否一切屬於真實?                              分區代表
                 2)  是否各方得到公平?                              依據 District Leadership Plan (DLP)  改稱
                 3)  能否促進親善友誼?                              Assistant Governor  助理總監


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