Page 7 - 2024-25 GMS研習會手冊
P. 7

國際扶輪社長當選人 RI President-elect  國際扶輪社長當選人 RI President-elect

 RIPE 歐琦珂 Stephanie A. Urchick 簡介  RIPE 歐琦珂 Stephanie A. Urchick 簡介

 歐琦珂(Stephanie A. Urchick )  Stephanie A. Urchick
 2024-25 年度 國際扶輪社長  2024-25 Rotary International President
 美國賓州麥克默瑞 扶輪社  Rotary Club of McMurray,
            Pennsylvania, USA

 歐琦珂於2022年退休,擔任諮詢和訓練公司Doctors At Work LLC的合夥人兼營運長。  Stephanie Urchick is a member of the Rotary Club of McMurray, Pennsylvania, USA.
            She will serve RI as president in 2024-25. She has been an RI director and Rotary Foun-
            dation trustee. She has served RI in numerous capacities, including as training leader,
            regional Rotary Foundation coordinator, and RI president's representative. In addition,
 歐琦珂自1991年以來一直是扶輪社員,她首先加入了國際扶輪前社長凱勒(Chuck   Stephanie was a representative and member-at-large to three sessions of the Council
            on Legislation.

 她曾在國際扶輪擔任過多種職務,包括訓練引導人、區域扶輪基金會協調人和國際扶輪社長  Stephanie has also served as chair of the Rotary Strategic Planning Committee and The
            Rotary Foundation's Centennial Celebration Committee, as well as a member of various
            Rotary committees, including the Election Review Committee and Operational Review
            A Rotary member since 1991, Stephanie has participated in a variety of international
 她曾參加各種國際服務專案,包括印度和奈及利亞的全國免疫日。在越南,她與扶輪社  service projects, including National Immunization Days in India and Nigeria. In Vietnam,
            she worked with clubs to help build a primary school and traveled to the Dominican
            Republic to install water filters. A student of several Slavic languages, she has mentored
            new Rotary members in Ukraine and coordinated a Rotary Foundation grant for a mam-              -
 金專案。       mography equipment and a biopsy unit for a hospital in Poland. In its commemorative

 歐琦珂目前正在協助美國的扶輪社和地區與科索沃、阿爾巴尼亞和烏克蘭的扶輪社合  book, the Rotary Club of Krakow, Poland, noted Stephanie as a key figure for helping the
            re-birth of Rotary in post-Communist Poland.
            Currently, Stephanie is helping to partner clubs and districts in the U.S. with Rotary clubs
            in Albania, Kosovo, and Ukraine for humanitarian and educational services.
            Stephanie's professional background is in the higher education, consulting, and enter-
            tainment industries. She received her doctorate degree in Leadership Studies from Indi-
            ana University of Pennsylvania and has been recognized and awarded by The Rotary
 她是巨額捐獻人,也是扶輪基金會遺贈會會員。  Foundation and numerous community and international organizations.


 2024-25 GMS 獎助金管理研討會                                                     2024-25 GMS 獎助金管理研討會              7
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