Page 101 - 2022-23DTA訓練研習手冊
P. 101

Rotary Centers for International Studies in   Rotary Institute
              Peace and Conflict Resolution                扶輪研習會
              扶輪和平及衝突之解決國際研究中心                             Rotary International (RI)
              Rotary Centers for International Studies     國際扶輪
              扶輪國際研究中心                                     Rotary International Convention
              Rotary Club                                  國際扶輪年會
              扶輪社                                          Rotary Knowledge Round Table Meeting
              Rotary Club Bylaws                           扶輪知識圓桌會
              扶輪社細則                                        Rotary Leader
              Rotary Club Central                          扶輪領導人
              扶輪社中央系統                                      Rotary Literature
              Rotary Club Constitution                     扶輪文獻
              扶輪社章程                                        Rotary Marks
              Rotary Direct                                扶輪標誌
              扶輪定期捐獻                                       Rotary Months
              Rotary Down Under                            扶輪特別月
              澳洲紐西蘭扶輪雜誌                                        Membership and New Club Development
              Rotary E-Club                                     Month
              扶輪網路社                                             社員暨拓展新社月(8 月)
              Rotary Entities                                  Basic Education and Literacy Month
              扶輪單位                                              基礎教育與識字月(9 月)
              Rotary Fact Pack                                 Community Economic Development
              扶輪實況資料袋                                           Month
              Rotary Fellowships                                社區經濟發展月(10 月)
              扶輪聯誼會                                            Rotary Foundation Month
              Rotary Flag                                       扶輪基金月(11 月)
              扶輪旗                                              Disease Prevention and Treatment
              Rotary Foundation Citation for Meritorious        Month
              Service                                           疾病預防與治療月(12 月)
              扶輪基金會有功服務獎                                       Vocational Service Month
              Rotary Foundation Committee                       職業服務月(1 月)
              扶輪基金會委員會                                         Peace Building and Conflict Prevention
              Rotary Foundation Distinguished Service           締造和平與衝突預防月(2 月)
              Award                                            Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Month
              扶輪基金會特優服務獎                                        水資源與用水衛生月(3 月)
              Rotary Foundation Month                          Maternal and Child Health Month
              扶輪基金月                                             母親與兒童健康月(4 月)
              Rotary Foundation Sustaining Member              Youth Services Month
              扶輪基金會持續贊助會員                                       青少年服務月(5 月)
              Rotary Gearwheel Emblem                          Rotary Fellowships Month
              扶輪的齒輪徽章                                           扶輪聯誼月(6 月)
              Rotary Global Rewards                        Rotary Mottos
              扶輪全球回饋                                       扶輪座右銘
              Rotary Knowledge/Information Committee       Rotary Peace Centers
              扶輪知識/資訊委員會                                   扶輪和平中心
              Rotary Information                           Rotary Peace Certificate Program Fellowship
              扶輪資訊                                         扶輪和平證書課程計畫獎學金


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