Page 59 - 2023-24DTA訓練研習手冊
P. 59


            Goal                   Goal Detail

            District conference    How many members will attend your district conference?
            Rotary Fellowship      How many club members will be members of a Rotary Fellowship during the
            participation          Rotary year?
            District training      How many of your club's committee chairs will attend the district training
            participation          assembly?
            Annual Fund            How much money will be contributed to The Rotary Foundation Annual
            contributions          Fund by your club and its members during the Rotary year?
            PolioPlus Fund         How much money will be contributed to The Rotary Foundation PolioPlus
            contributions          Fund by your club and its members during the Rotary year?
            Major gifts            How many single outright donations of US$10,000 or more will be made by
                                   individuals associated with your club during the Rotary year?
            Bequest Society        How many individuals or couples will inform The Rotary Foundation of their
            members                plans to leave US$10,000 or more to The Rotary Foundation through their
            Benefactors            How many individuals or couples will inform The Rotary Foundation of their
                                   estate plans to include the Endowment Fund as a beneficiary or will make an
                                   outright gift of US$1,000 or more to the Endowment Fund?
            Service projects       How many service projects will your club complete during the Rotary year?

            Rotaract clubs         How many new and existing Rotaract clubs will your club sponsor during the
                                   Rotary year?
            Interact clubs         How many new and existing Interact clubs will your club sponsor during the
                                   Rotary year?
            Inbound Youth          How many Rotary Youth Exchange students will your club host virtually or in
            Exchange students      person during the Rotary year?
            Outbound Youth         How many Rotary Youth Exchange students will your club sponsor virtually
            Exchange students      or in person during the Rotary year?
                                   How many individuals will your club sponsor to participate in Rotary Youth
            RYLA participation
                                   Leadership Awards (RYLA) events during the Rotary year either in person or
            Strategic plan
                                   Does your club have an up-to-date strategic plan?
            Online presence        Does your club's online presence accurately reflect its current activities?
             Social activities     How many social activities will your club hold outside of regular meetings
                                   during the Rotary year?
              Update website and   During the Rotary year, how many times per month will your club's website
              social media         or social media accounts be updated?
            Goal                   Goal Detail
                                                                                            February 2023
            Media stories about    How many media stories will cover your club's projects during the Rotary
            club projects          year?
            Use of official        Did your club use Rotary International's advertising and public service
            Rotary promotional     materials, such as broadcast videos, print ads, and other official materials
            materials              available in the Brand Center, to promote Rotary in your community during
                                   the Rotary year?
              Review and consider updating your club bylaws:Do your club bylaws reflect your members and other
            participants’ needs?
                                      依 RI 公告為準,如 RI 有變更時,將立即通知。


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