Page 109 - 2023-24 RFGMS研習會手冊
P. 109

Develop a project that will achieve your goal. Read the Areas of Focus
             Policy Statements for detailed information about eligible global grant
             activities and outcomes that fall within each area. Each policy statement

             •  Goals Rotary hopes to achieve in the area of focus
             •  Eligible grant activities
             •  What you need to implement successful grants

             Use this as your guide for deciding if a global grant is the right source of
             funding for your project and what activity to use to achieve your main
             goal. For example, to improve maternal and child health, your club might
             train doctors and nurses at the local hospital so that more expectant
             mothers can have safe deliveries. Or, to support basic education and
             literacy, your club and local leaders might focus on reducing gender
             disparity in your community by hosting a series of meetings for parents
             on the importance of girls’ education and providing new facilities and
             resources for girls at a local school.

             Learn more about each area of focus by taking the Rotary’s Areas of Focus
             course in the Learning Center. You can also find project guidelines for
             each area of focus on the Global Grants page on My Rotary.

                       POINTS TO REMEMBER
                 Sustainable projects that have long-term impacts help us make meaningful
                 change in the communities we live in and serve. Completing a community
                 assessment increases community support for the project, which in turn
                 increases its sustainability and impact. By funding projects in our areas of focus
                 through global grants, Rotary concentrates its efforts to make a noticeable
                 difference in our world.

             A GUIDE TO GLOBAL GRANTS  1: MAKE A SUSTAINABLE IMPACT  2023-24 RFGMS 扶輪基金獎助金管理研習會              109
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