Page 127 - 2023-24 RFGMS研習會手冊
P. 127

Follow local laws
             While The Rotary Foundation attempts to follow international
             guidelines, laws in some countries and regions may be more stringent
             than Foundation requirements. It is the responsibility of both                      Grant agree-
             international and host sponsors to be aware of and comply with local           ments are made
             laws. Conversely, if local laws are less stringent, the club must still meet   only between the
                                                                                            Foundation and clubs,
             Foundation requirements.                                                       and they are subject to
             Situations in which local laws are not compatible with Foundation              the laws of the State
                                                                                            of Illinois (because
             requirements (e.g., regarding bank account naming) are handled case by         The Rotary Foundation
             case. Contact your payment coordinator for more information.                   is an Illinois corporation)
                                                                                            and of the United
             Transfer and disbursement of funds                                             States. Grant sponsors
                                                                                            are also expected to
             After your global grant application is approved, your club must complete       follow their own
             the payment requirements outlined in the approval notification,                countries’ laws.

             •  Submit cash contributions to The Rotary Foundation or deposit them
               directly into the project account where allowed
             •  Complete any payment contingencies that were included in your
               approval letter
             The approval notification also provides important information about
             making travel arrangements and getting travel insurance, in addition to
             the most up-to-date terms and conditions of your grant.

             The Foundation sometimes pays large grant awards in installments,
             depending on the project’s spending and implementation plan. The funds
             must be managed and distributed by a club; they may not be turned over
             to non-Rotary partners or entities to disburse. If a partner organization
             incurs expenses, the club should reimburse it from the project account
             after receiving a receipt.
             If some funds have not been spent and need to be returned, refer to the
             grant terms and conditions for more detail about how to handle those

             Keep financial records
             Follow your spending plan to use grant funds for their stated purposes
             and in a timely manner, and keep detailed records as you do so. For
             most grants, a single-entry financial journal or ledger is a sufficient
             accounting method. Up to 10% of the global grant budget can be used for
             project management expenses, including maintaining financial records.

                                                                   2023-24 RFGMS 扶輪基金獎助金管理研習會
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