Page 192 - 2023-24 RFGMS研習會手冊
P. 192

4.  Projects that focus on school feeding or providing infrastructure and equipment for school
                      feeding programs

                  5.  Projects the community is not able to sustain after grant funding ends

                  6.  Projects that benefit only one cohort of students, such as tutoring or after-school programs that
                      will function only during the life of the grant

               Elements of Successful Humanitarian Projects and Vocational Training Teams

               Basic education and literacy global grants are:

                  1.  Sustainable — Communities can address their basic education and literacy needs after the Rotary
                      club or district completes its work.
                  2.  Measurable — Sponsors need to set targets and identify measurements to track project outcomes.
                      Standard measures are listed in the Global Grant Monitoring and Evaluation Plan Supplement.

                  3.  Community driven — Projects meet the needs identified by the host community.

               Elements of Successful Scholarships

               Global grants support graduate-level scholarships for professionals interested in pursuing careers in basic
               education and literacy. TRF considers the following when evaluating global grant scholarship
                  1.  The applicant’s previous work experience in the field of basic education and literacy

                  2.  The academic program’s alignment with basic education and literacy. Examples include
                      education, literacy, curriculum development, special education, and school administration.

                  3.  The applicant’s future career plans as they relate to basic education and literacy

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               2023-24 RFGMS 扶輪基金獎助金管理研習會
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