Page 166 - 2024-25年度PETS訓練研討會手冊
P. 166

Memorial to the RI Board                     Nominating Committee
               致國際扶輪理事會陳情書                                  提名委員會
               Memorials to Council on Legislation          Nominating Committee for Directors
               向立法會議之陳情書                                    理事提名委員會
               Mentor                                       Nominating Committee for District Governor
               導師                                           地區總監提名委員會
               Merger of Clubs                              Nomination Committee for President
               扶輪社合併                                        社長提名委員會
               Method of Electing Members                   Nomination of Officers
               選舉社員之方法                                      職員之提名
               MGI (Major Gifts Initiative Committees)      Non-Districted Clubs
               巨額捐獻推廣委員會                                    未列地區之社
               Minimum Standards for Clubs                  Notice of Termination of Membership
               社最低標準                                        社籍終止通知
               Mission of Rotary International              Notification of Rotarian Moving to Your
               國際扶輪使命                                       Locality Form
               Mission of The Rotary Foundation             「扶輪社員遷入貴地區通知書」表格
               扶輪基金會使命                                      O
               Moderator                                    Object of Rotary
               會議主持人                                        扶輪宗旨
               MOP (Manual of Procedure)                    The Object of Rotary is to encourage and
               程序手冊                                         foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy
               MOU (Memorandum of Understanding)            enterprise and, in particular, to encourage
               備忘錄                                          and foster:
               Motto                                        First.    The development of acquaintance as
               座右銘                                                  an opportunity for service;
               Multidistrict Administrative Groups          Second. High ethical standards in business
               多地區行政管理團體                                            and professions; the recognition of
               Multiple PHF                                         the worthiness of all useful
               多次捐獻保羅‧哈里斯之友                                         occupations; and the dignifying of
               N                                                    each Rotarian’s occupation as an
               Name of Club                                         opportunity to serve society;
               社名                                           Third.    The application of the ideal of service
               Named Fund                                           in each Rotarian’s personal, business,
               冠名基金                                                 and community life;
               Naming Opportunities                         Fourth. The advancement of international
               冠名機會                                                 understanding, goodwill, and peace
               New Clubs                                            through a world fellowship of
               新社                                                   business and professional persons
               New Generations Service Exchange (NGSE)              united in the ideal of service.
               New Members                                  扶輪之宗旨在於鼓勵並培養以服務之理想為
               新社員                                          可貴事業之基礎,尤其著重於鼓勵並培養:
               New Member Sponsor Recognition Program       (一)藉增廣相識為擴展服務之機會;
               新社員輔導人表彰計畫                                   (二)在各種事業及專業中提高道德之標準;
               Nicknames                                    認識一切有益於社會的職業之價值;及每一
               社內別名(暱稱)                                     扶輪社員應尊重其本身之職業,藉以服務社
               NID (National Immunization Day)              會;
               全國免疫日                                        (三)每一社員能以服務之理想應用於其個
            166                                             人、事業及社會之生活;
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