Page 29 - 20-21年度總監月報十月號電子書
P. 29
ny was performed with appropriate dignity and celebration only made it halfway and had to turn back because of the
and then it was down to eating and music, when fleet mem- waves, so we counted our blessings. We also took in the
bers demonstrated their musical talents on stage! Photos Lanyang Museum, which we enjoyed very much. However,
were taken in great numbers and a wonderful evening was before heading for home, we had one more visit to make, to
had by all. In my message, and also that from the Area 3 the Kavalan Whisky Distillery, for their tour and free tast-
Commodore, David Hansen, was a reminder of the late Past ing. How can anyone from Scotland not enjoy free whisky?
International Commodore, Joe Philips from Hawaii, that Unfortunately, we had people driving, so I just had to help
IYFR is ‘Fun, Fun, Fun’. The Taiwan Voyager Fleet them out with the samples! Another good day which pro-
certainly understands that and has got off to a flying start. I vided plans for next year.
wish them well for a long future of fun and fellowship, as I experienced a first for me, when we visited a Rotaract
they set a high standard for further fleets in Taiwan, which I Club, my first ever visit to a Rotaract Club. I’m afraid we
understand may not be far off. have great difficulty keeping Rotaract and Interact Clubs
It was then down to the business of putting together plans going at home, so this was another very enjoyable experi-
for the events for IYFR during and after the RI Convention ence.
next year. Proposals had already been obtained from How- Ann and I have also been entertained by various Fleet mem-
ard, Manager of Star Travel. I was keen to visit some of bers to a number of meals in a variety of restaurants, giving
the places outlined in his proposals and also to visit the Sun us a good selection of Taiwanese food, which we have real-
Moon Lake as another possibility. First, FVC Marina drove ly enjoyed and we are even getting to master chopsticks. I
us north over the beautiful green forested hills of Taiwan have to confess though, that we really fell for the chocolate
and then down the North Coast to see the coastline with all dumplings – total decadence!
its various harbours. That was a really interesting drive and We have had a very busy schedule through the time we
showed what a possibility there is for leisure sailing in Tai- have been here, even fitting in a COVID-19 test , courtesy
wan. Then we started our travels South to see the Sun Moon of FRC Joe, before going home, but it has been one of the
Lake and what it had to offer. FVC Marina again drove us most enjoyable experiences we can remember. We have
down and we were able to have a good look at what was thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and have so many happy
available, plus enjoy a wonderful fish lunch on the lake. memories to take back with us that we can hardly believe
The weather there was the first and only day of full sunshine it. We have been made to feel so welcome, we just feel
we enjoyed. The weather, otherwise, tried its best to make extremely lucky to have been able to finally make it to the
Ann and me feel very much at home with cloud and rain – Charter. In addition to all the fun, we have also been able
just like the West of Scotland! We were most impressed to find ideas for a programme for IYFR next year, which
by the beautiful scenery at the lake and wish to include it in can now be put together and costed by Howard.
our plans, although I think it might be somewhat busier next Everyone has been so friendly and showered us with gifts
June. galore, so much so that we have had to buy an extra suitcase
We also attended a Vocational visit of the RC of Songzhi to to take them all home. We were even given a send-off from
Ascent Way, a supplier of Italian wines, where we sampled the hotel with members of the Fleet waving us goodbye in
some of their wines , along with appropriate Italian food. full uniform. What a wonderful end to a truly memorable
How could you fail to enjoy that! experience. We just cannot express our thanks in words to
We then had a trip to Yilan and took a boat trip to visit everyone for all they have done for us to make our stay so
Turtle Island, with its reminders of wartime days. Here enjoyable and so fruitful. However, we must say a special
again we were lucky with the weather. The rain was very thank you to FC Paul, FVC Marina and FRC Joe for putting
heavy when we boarded the boat and it was quite windy. in so much effort to make arrangements for us and to drive
However, the rain had stopped by the time we reached the us around on our many visits. We just cannot wait to get
island and it was dry for the rest of our visit there and for back again next June.
the return to the mainland. The next scheduled boat trip
總監月報 10 月號10 月號
總監月報 29