Page 101 - 2023-24 RFGMS研習會手冊
P. 101
As Rotary members, we contribute our skills, expertise, and financial
support to promote peace, fight disease, provide clean water, save
mothers and children, support education, grow local economies, and
protect the environment. Rotary’s global grants support these efforts in
communities worldwide.
This guide will help you plan a sustainable project, identify measurable
outcomes, apply for a global grant, and manage your grant funds.
Building sustainable projects that have measurable and lasting Both clubs
outcomes and managing grant funds responsibly are requirements for and districts can use
all Rotary global grants. They are also important practices for all of the global grants and
community and international service work that your club supports. can serve as host or
international sponsors,
Not every Rotary project is eligible for global grant funding from but this guide refers to
The Rotary Foundation. The following information will help you sponsors as clubs.
determine whether your project meets the requirements.
Global grants support international activities in Rotary’s areas of focus:
• Humanitarian projects provide sustainable, measurable outcomes
that address real community needs.
• Vocational training improves job skills in a community through
educational programs. It also supports teams of professionals who Look for the
travel abroad to gain knowledge and skills or build the capacity of the vocational training
community they visit. Learn more about vocational training teams. and scholarships
• Scholarships fund international graduate-level study by people icons throughout this
publication for
seeking a career in an area of focus. Applications for scholars who information on their
will begin studies in August, September, or October are due by grant requirements.
30 June. Read the Global Grant Scholarship Supplement for more
Make sure your grant idea is eligible before you write your application
by asking your regional grants officer to review it and offer
recommendations. It will save you time and effort.