Page 98 - 2023-24 RFGMS研習會手冊
P. 98
This is the 2021 edition of A Guide to Global Grants. It’s for all Rotary
members who are interested in applying for global grants or developing
more successful service projects. Members and leaders can also use
this publication as a training resource at district grant management
seminars. The information it contains comes from The Rotary
Foundation Code of Policies, Terms and Conditions for Rotary
Foundation District Grants and Global Grants, and Areas of Focus
Policy Statements. Any changes to those policies override statements in
this publication.
If you have questions about your role, contact your district’s leaders, such
as the district Rotary Foundation committee chair. You can also consult
experienced Rotary members who have worked with global grants or
served as club Rotary Foundation committee chair.
The Rotary Support Center can answer general questions on grants
and qualification. Our staff at Rotary headquarters and our international
offices offers support in eight languages. Your district also has a regional
grants officer who is available to answer questions about grants and
assess project ideas before you start your application.
If you have questions about this manual or other Rotary training
materials, send them to
98 2023-24 RFGMS 扶輪基金獎助金管理研習會