Page 137 - 2024-25 GMS研習會手冊
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               7.  Comply with the Conflict of Interest Policy for Program Participants as outlined in section 30.040. of The
 附錄四               Rotary Foundation Code of Policies and in Section XIV below.

               8. Comply with Rotary International’s policies for the use of the name “Rotary” and other Rotary logos,
                   emblems, and graphics, as outlined in sections 34.040.6. and 34.040.11. of the Rotary Code of Policies.

               9. Include signs on or near projects that identify the role of the grant sponsors and The Rotary Foundation,
 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR ROTARY FOUNDATION   as outlined in section 40.010.2. of The Rotary Foundation Code of Policies and in accordance with
                   Rotary’s Voice and Visual Identity Guidelines.
 DISTRICT GRANTS AND GLOBAL GRANTS   10. Follow Rotary’s Privacy Statement for Personal Data outlined in section 26.080. of the Rotary Code of

                   Policies. Don’t include the personal data (name, age or date of birth, or other identifying information) of
 The Rotary Foundation may modify these terms and conditions at any time to reflect policy changes and to add   grant beneficiaries or images of them in grant applications and reports unless the Foundation requests it
 clarity. Changes made as of July 2021 include:   and you have the written consent of the beneficiary (or their parent or legal guardian). Inappropriately

 . Changing the World Fund match for DDF contributions for global grants to 80 percent (see section VI)  including that personal data can cause delays in the grant process while we ensure compliance with
                   Rotary’s Privacy Policy.

 You can find additional updates and resources at
            District grants
            In addition to the eligibility criteria listed above, district grants:
 I. WHAT WE FUND  1.  Support local and international projects, scholarships, vocational training teams, and related travel

 The Rotary Foundation funds district grants and global grants. We distribute district grants as lump sums that pay   2. May fund scholar and vocational training team orientation and grant management seminars
 for scholarships, travel, and projects that all align with our mission. That mission is to help Rotarians contribute   3. May pay for travel to and participation in Rotary project fairs to help clubs and districts find partners
 to world understanding, goodwill, and peace by improving people’s health, supporting education, and alleviating
 poverty. We fund global grants for international graduate-level scholarships, vocational training teams, and   4. Fund projects and activities both in countries where Rotary has clubs and in areas where we do not, and
 projects that have measurable goals, are sustainable and based on community needs, and are centered on at least   in geographic areas where permitted by law and in accordance with Foundation policies.
 one of our areas of focus.    5.  May be used to support Rotary Youth Exchange, RYLA, Rotary Friendship Exchange (with vocational

                   emphasis), Rotaract, Interact, and New Generations Service Exchange programs

 II. ELIGIBILITY GUIDELINES  6. May fund the costs associated with conducting community assessments
               7.  May fund construction and renovation
 All Foundation grant activities need to:
 1.  Relate to the Foundation’s mission
           Global grants
 2. Include active participation from Rotarians
           In addition to the eligibility criteria listed above, global grants:
 3. Exclude The Rotary Foundation or Rotary International from any liability beyond the amount funded by
               1.  Support activities that align with one or more of Rotary’s areas of focus. These activities include
 the grant
                   humanitarian projects, international scholarships to fund graduate-level coursework or research for one
 4. Comply with the laws of both the United States and the area where the grant will be carried out and cause  to four academic years, and/or vocational training teams that address a humanitarian need by providing
 no harm. If you sponsor projects in or plan travel to countries sanctioned by the U.S. Treasury  professional training.
 Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control, you may need to supply more information.
               2. Benefit communities in countries and geographical areas where Rotary has clubs
 5.  Be reviewed and approved by the Foundation before being implemented. You can’t use grants to
 reimburse clubs or districts for activities and expenses that are in progress or already completed. We  3. Are based on the needs of the community where a project will be carried out. Any club or district that
                   applies for a global grant to support a humanitarian project or a vocational training team needs to conduct
 encourage you to plan for activities before a grant is approved, but don’t incur any expenses. If you want
 to alter a project after a grant is approved, the Foundation also needs to approve those changes before  a community assessment and design the project with the host community in response to the results.
 they are carried out.  Sponsors must also include the results in the grant application.

 6. Demonstrate sensitivity to the traditions and culture of the area where a project will be carried out  4. Are sponsored by one Rotary club or district in the country where the grant project will take place (the

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