Page 143 - 2024-25 GMS研習會手冊
P. 143

4. If more than one team is traveling under a single grant, the teams must share the same two primary
 sponsors and begin travel within one year of each other.
            Rotary Foundation grants will not cover:
 5.  All team members need to be approved by the Foundation before travel. Any changes to the team’s  1.  Expenses associated with optional stopovers before or after travel that has been approved
 composition need to be reported to and approved by the Foundation.
               2. Penalties resulting from changes in personal travel arrangements, including optional stopovers
               3. Charges for excess baggage and shipping
 Global grant applications will have these kinds of assessments:

 1.  Requests for a World Fund amount up to $50,000, known as Level 1 applications, will be reviewed by the
 general secretary and analyzed by an expert in the area of focus if necessary.  The club or district sponsoring the grant should maintain emergency contact information and travel itineraries for
           anyone traveling on grant funds. You should share this information with the Foundation when asked to do so.
 2. Requests for a World Fund amount of $50,001-$200,000, or total funding of $100,001-$400,000
 involving directed gifts or endowment earnings, known as Level 2 applications, will be reviewed by the
 general secretary, analyzed by an expert in the area of focus, and have an interim site visit from The  Grant recipients are responsible for:
 Rotary Foundation Cadre of Technical Advisers.
               1.  Making travel arrangements. Failure to arrange travel promptly may increase the cost of it or lead to the
 3. Requests for a World Fund amount of $200,001-$400,000, or total funding of $400,001 or more  grant being canceled.
 involving directed gifts or endowment earnings, known as Level 3 applications, will be reviewed by the
 general secretary, analyzed by an expert in the area of focus, have an advance site visit from the Cadre,  2. Any expenses that exceed the approved travel budget, unless approved by the Foundation
 and have an audit and/or an interim site visit by the Cadre. These applications are also reviewed by the  3. Meeting all medical requirements for international travel
 Trustees. The Trustees will review global grant applications received by:
               4. Arranging and funding any personal travel, which may take place for up to four weeks at the end of the
 a.  1 June in September/October  grant activities. After that, grant recipients are expected to return home.

 b. 1 October in January  5.  Abiding by Rotary International travel restrictions for a particular country
 c.  1 December in April  6. Obtaining travel insurance

 d. 1 March in June

           Each health care professional who will provide services as part of the grant activities is expected to have at least
            $500,000 in professional liability insurance coverage (known as errors and omissions liability). This refers to
 An area of focus expert, working with the Cadre chair, may decide that a grant needs a different level of
 assessment, and can waive or add requirements. Grants that consist exclusively of a vocational training team or   coverage for legal liability that could arise from that person’s professional acts or omissions that cause harm to
            others. The participant should obtain and pay for this coverage.
 scholarship are exempt from Cadre review requirements.

            Rotary International works with a global security advisory firm to maintain a travel ban list of extremely
            dangerous countries. The Foundation does not fund travel to these countries because of safety concerns. If a
 Anyone traveling for a grant should make their own travel arrangements. They can work with Rotary International   country is added to the list while funded travelers are in that country, plans will be made for their immediate
 Travel Service (RITS) or organize travel on their own.   evacuation. Should the person not defer travel to or evacuate from a country as instructed, the Foundation will
            cancel the grant and request the return of any funds already issued. The Foundation cannot fund any grant whose
           success relies on international travel to a country on the list, even if the cost of travel is not part of the project
 Rotary Foundation grants will cover these budgeted expenses related to international travel:   budget.

 1.  Economy-class ticket(s)
 2. Transportation to and from airports and local travel related to implementing the grant  Non-Rotarians who receive grant funding for scholarships, participation in vocational training teams, or travel to
            implement a humanitarian project are expected to:
 3. The cost of inoculations or immunizations, visas, and entry and exit taxes
 4. Normal and reasonable luggage charges  1.  Demonstrate knowledge of Rotary

 5.  Travel insurance  2. Participate in an orientation session before their departure (either online or in person)

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