Page 147 - 2024-25 GMS研習會手冊
P. 147

on the bank account need to be members of the sponsoring club or district. Grants will be paid out at the Rotary   District grants
 International exchange rate at the time of payment.    These additional conditions apply to district grants:

               1.  Final reports that document the disbursement of funds must be submitted to the Foundation within 12
 Grants for which the World Fund award is $50,001-$400,000, or total funding is $100,001 or more involving   months of when sponsors receive the payment, or within two months of the last grant money being
 directed gifts or endowment earnings (Level 2 and 3 applications), will be paid in installments according to a   disbursed.
 spending plan. Payments after the first installment will be made after the grant sponsors submit a satisfactory   2. All grant projects and activities funded by district grants need to be completed within 24 months of the
 progress report and a Cadre representative conducts an interim site visit.   Foundation or the local district transferring funds to the club or project site.
               3.  If more than $1,000 of grant funds remain after the projects are completed, the Foundation needs to

 The following points apply to global grants funded with cash contributions:   approve their use for additional project-related expenses. If you cannot spend these funds as approved,
                   you must return them to The Rotary Foundation, and they will be credited to the district’s DDF.
 1.  All grant-related transactions will be recorded using the current published monthly Rotary International
 exchange rate, and all grant-related transactions will be officially communicated in U.S. dollars.  4.  If $1,000 or less of grant funds remain after the projects are completed, funds may be used for activities
                   that meet the district grant eligibility requirements and do not require pre-approval from the Foundation.
 2. For the part of the grant funded by cash contributions, sponsors will be shielded from currency exchange
                  Remaining grant funds in any amount may not be spent on expenses that are not related to the district
 fluctuations of more than 10 percent of the rate at the time it was approved. The Foundation also will not  grant.
 distribute currency gains to project sponsors of more than 10 percent of the rate at the time it was
 approved.     5.  Grant funds of $1,000 or less that are returned to the Foundation will be moved to the World Fund.

 3. All cash contributions to global grants sent to the Foundation need to include an extra 5 percent to offset  6. The following countries have these requirements for returning funds:
 processing and administrative costs. Paul Harris Fellow recognition points will be awarded on the full  a.  Argentina: Any unused grant funds of more than ARS 10 must be returned.
 cash contribution, and charitable tax receipts will reflect that amount. The additional 5 percent is not
 required for contributions sent directly to a project’s bank account. Those contributions don’t generate  b. Brazil: Any unused grant funds of more than BRL 100 must be returned.
 Paul Harris Fellow recognition points, however, and the Foundation won’t issue tax receipts for them.  c.  India: Any unused grant funds of more than INR 10,000 must be returned.

 4. All contributions submitted to the Foundation above the amount pledged to the grant, or sent to a grant
 after the grant has been paid,  will be moved to the World Fund.  Global grants

            These additional conditions apply to global grants:
 IX. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS AND DOCUMENTATION  1.  You need to send in a first progress report within 12 months of receiving the first grant payment. After
                   that, progress reports are due within 12 months of the acceptance date of the previous report.
 Grant recipients need to report to the Foundation how grant funds are used. Submit progress and final reports in
 the Grant Center. All forms need to be entirely complete to be accepted. The Foundation won’t approve new grant   2. Final reports need to be submitted within two months of completing the project.
 applications if a grant sponsor has an overdue report for any Foundation grant. (*See exception below.) The   3. If more than $1,000 of grant funds remain after a project is completed, the Foundation needs to approve
 Foundation may at any time review grants, conduct an audit, send a monitor, require additional documentation,   their use for additional project-related expenses. If you cannot spend these funds as approved, you must
 and suspend any or all payments.   return them to The Rotary Foundation. The funds will be moved as follows:

                      a.  If the full grant amount is returned, World Fund, DDF, endowed fund spendable earnings,
 These provisions also apply to grant recipients:   directed gifts, and Corporate Social Responsibility funds will be returned to their original source.
                          Cash and TRF-Donor Advised Fund contributions will be moved to Annual Fund-SHARE. Non-
 1.  Districts need to report the use of grant funds to their member clubs according to the terms of their  Rotary cash contributions will be moved to the World Fund.
                      b. If a partial grant amount is returned, all funds will be moved to the World Fund.
 2. Grant sponsors need to keep copies of all receipts and bank statements related to grant-funded spending,
 according to the terms of their qualification and applicable laws.  4.  If $1,000 or less of grant funds remain after the grant activities are completed, funds may be used for
                   activities that meet the global grant eligibility requirements and do not require pre-approval from the
 3. Grant sponsors who don’t adhere to Foundation policies and guidelines in implementing and financing  Foundation. Remaining grant funds in any amount may not be spent on expenses that are not related to
 grant projects will need to return all grant funds and may be barred from receiving other grants for up to
                   the global grant.
 five years.
               5.  Grant funds of $1,000 or less that are returned to the Foundation will be moved to the World Fund.

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