Page 49 - 2023-24年度總監月報十二月號
P. 49

that I was brought up in.  All in all, I was not going to let these cultural differences hinder me
            or keeping me from doing the job I was elected to do, and to have fun.  So, I made the decision

            by taking advice from fellow members and went to visit 3 key Club elders personally to seek

            their advices and blessing on how to run the Club. The result was fantastic, the feedback
            from PP Neal, our “Chair PP” said to me: don’t be afraid, be yourself and we will support

            and cover you.  With this support, things immediately took a turnaround, and I stop letting
            language being my spoiler.

                 After a month of frustration, I remember Several years ago, PDG Nellie was invited to
            our Club as a Speaker and her message was: “Something is wrong if you are not having fun

            at your Rotary Club!” This message has resonated in my mind when I became the President,
            and when we set out to plan our induction gala 5 months ago.  Having been through a month

            of frustration, I wanted to make sure that all the Club members can engage and have fun in

            our Club, so I took the opportunity to involve everyone at our induction gala.  We not only
            got our members involved; we’ve taken it further by involving our better half as well in

            our planning of the event. In doing so, this year we’ve show case our whole entertainment

            program with singers, dancers, saxophonist, guitarist, all from our Club family members.  The
            70 minutes program including master of ceremony, lighting, and computer technicians are

            our own members and Rotaract members. Every performance was met with awes, with the

            stunning performance going to the spouse dance group calling themselves “Pink Goddess”
            that practice for over 3 months to the K-pop song called Queen Card. All in all, the result of

            the induction experience show case the camaraderie and talents among our members and their
            families with the evening ending with great fun and memories.

                 The theme to our induction this year is “Full of Vitality.” I’ve selected this theme
            because our Club truly reflect this energy.  Our Club attendance every week is 90%+.  We

            have activities and committees for bowling, table tennis, golfing, cycling, triathlon, hiking,
            book club, and our famous 5566 that also boost great attendance and fellowship. Our members

            are from 28-88 years age, which I am especially proud that every one of our Club members is

            united to serve our community, and contribute to giving hope to the world; at the same time,
            having fun doing it!

                 Jen Ai slogan:  Jen Ai Jen Ai, Everyone See Everyone Love!

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