Page 101 - 2024-25年度DTA訓練講習會手冊
P. 101

通信投票                                           Changeover ceremony
               Bequest Society                                傳承儀式
               遺贈會                                            Characteristics of Rotarians
               Bequest to Rotary Foundation                   扶輪社員之特質
               遺產捐贈予扶輪基金會                                     Characteristics of Rotary
               Benefactor                                     扶輪之特質
               永久基金捐獻人                                        Charter
               Birthplace of Rotary                           創社加盟證書
               扶輪誕生地                                          Charter Anniversary
               Board of Directors                             授證週年
               理事會                                            Charter Ceremonies
               Branch Offices of Secretariat                  授證典禮
               秘書處分處                                          Charter Fee
               (*現在稱為International Offices                    創社加盟證書費
               國際辦事處)                                         Charter Member
               Brand Center                                   創社社員
               品牌中心                                           Charter Night
               Breakout Discussion                            授證晚會
               分組討論會                                          Charter Presentation
               Brief Report of the Convention                 (加盟證書)授證典禮
               國際年會簡報                                         Chung Hwa Rotary Educational Foundation
               By-Laws                                        中華扶輪教育基金會
               細則                                             Circularizing Clubs or Rotarians
               C                                              向社或社員分發傳單
               Calendar                                       Classification
               行事曆                                            職業分類
               Campaigning, Canvassing and Electioneering     Classification Roster
               競選、拉票及助選                                       職業分類名錄
               Cancellation of Weekly Club Meetings           Classification Survey
               每週社例會之取消                                       職業分類調查
               Candidates for Directors                       CLP (Club Leadership Plan)
               理事候選人                                          社領導計畫
               Career Information                             Club & District Support representative
               就業資訊                                           社及地區支援專員
               Cases against Spirit of Rotary                 Club Annual Meeting
               違反扶輪精神的事例                                      扶輪社社員大會(年會)
               Catalog                                        Club Assembly
               目錄                                             社務行政會議
               Cause-Based Club                               (Club) Banners
               主題社                                            Club Bulletin
               CDC (US Centers for Disease Control and        社刊
               Prevention)                                    Club Compliance with National Laws
               美國疾病管制中心                                       社遵守國家法律
               Certification fee                              Club Excellence Award
               證書費                                            社卓越獎
               Certificate of Nomination of District Governor   Club Forum
               地區總監提名證書                                       社務論壇
               Chamber of Commerce                            Club funds
               商會                                             社款
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