Page 105 - 2024-25年度DTA訓練講習會手冊
P. 105

Emergency Legislation                         Family of Rotary
               緊急立法                                          扶輪家庭
               E/MGA (Endowment/Major Gift Adviser)          Fellowship
               永久基金/巨額捐獻顧問                                   聯誼
               Emphases, RI                                  Fellowship Committee
               國際扶輪重點                                        聯誼委員會
               Employees of RI                               Fellowships, Rotary
               國際扶輪的聘雇人員                                     扶輪聯誼會
               Enactment                                     Finance Committee
               制定案                                           財務委員會
               End Polio Now                                 Fireside Meeting
               根除小兒麻痺                                        懇談會、爐邊會
               End Polio Now Coordinator                     First Name Custom
               EPN 協調人                                       直呼名字的習慣
               End Polio Now Zone Coordinator (EPNZC)        Fiscal Year
               根除小兒麻痺地帶協調人                                   會計年度
               Endowment Fund                                Five-for-One Plan
               永久基金                                          「逢五進一」計畫
                   Named Scholarship                        Former Rotarians
                    冠名獎學金                                    前扶輪社員
               Endowment Fund Financial Report               Founder of Rotary
               (扶輪基金會)永久基金財務報告                               扶輪的創始人
               EREY (Every Rotarian Every Year)              Four-Way Test
               每一社員每年捐獻                                      四大考驗
               Etiquette                                     Of the things we think, say or do:
               禮儀                                                Is it the TRUTH?
               Every Rotarian an Example to Youth                Is it FAIR to all concerned?
               扶輪社員是青少年的榜樣                                       Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER
               Exchange of Club Banners                           FRIENDSHIPS?
               社旗交換                                              Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
               Executive Committee                           我們所想、所說、所做的事應事先捫心自
               執行委員會                                         問:
               Executive secretary                           1)  是否一切屬於真實?
               執行秘書                                          2)  是否各方得到公平?
               Exempt of Attendance                          3)  能否促進親善友誼?
               免計出席                                          4)  能否兼顧彼此利益?
               Exhibits at District Conferences              Functioning Rotary Club
               地區年會中之展覽                                      功能正常之扶輪社
               Extension Committee                           Fundamental Characteristics of Rotary
               擴展委員會                                         扶輪之基本特質
                   external extension                       Fundraising Activities by Clubs
                    社外擴展                                     扶輪社募款活動
                   internal extension                       Future Vision Committee
                    社內擴展                                     未來願景委員會
               F                                             Future Vision Plan
               Facilitator                                   未來願景計畫
               引導人                                           Future Vision Pilot
               Family Month                                  未來願景試辦計畫

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