Page 106 - 2024-25年度DTA訓練講習會手冊
P. 106

               General Council of RIBI                       HOC (Host Organizing Committee)
               英愛國際扶輪審議會                                     地主籌備委員會
               General Officers of RI                        Home Hospitality
               國際扶輪之高階職員                                     家庭接待
               Geographic Location                           Home Stay
               地理位置                                          家庭住宿接待
               GETS (Governors-Elect Training Seminar)       Honorary Member
               總監當選人訓練研討會                                    名譽社員
               Getting Started in Rotary                     Host Clubs
               扶輪初階                                          接待社
               Gift Agreement                                Host Family
               (永久基金/指定冠名捐獻)協議書                              接待家庭
               Global Grants                                 House of Friendship
               全球獎助金                                         友誼之家
               Global Networking Groups                      Humanitarian Grants
               全球網絡團體                                        人道獎助金
               GMS (Grants Management Seminar)               2013  停止
               獎助金管理研討會                                      Humanitarian Projects
               GNTS (Governors-nominee Training Seminar)     人道計畫專案
               總監提名人訓練研討會                                    I
               Good Standing                                 IA (International Assembly)
               品行端正                                          國際講習會
               Governor's Monthly Letter                     ICC (Intercountry Committee)
               總監月報                                          國家間委員會
               Governor's Special Representative             Ideal of Service
               總監特別代表                                        服務之理想
               2017 改稱 New club adviser 新社顧問                 Identification card
               Governor's Visit to Club                      社員證
               地區總監公式訪問扶輪社                                   IDG (Incoming District Governor)
               Group Representatives                         即將就任的下屆總監
               分區代表                                          Immediate Past
               依據 District Leadership Plan (DLP)  改稱         甫卸任的
               Assistant Governor  助理總監                      Immunization of Children
               GS (General Secretary)                        兒童疫苗接種
               秘書長                                           Incorporation of Club Activities
               GSE (Group Study Exchange)                    社活動之法人化
               團體研究交換                                        Incorporation of Clubs and Liability Insurance
               2013 TRF 停止                                   社的法人化與責任保險
               H                                             Incorporation of Rotary Club

               Happy Smile                                   扶輪社之法人化
               歡喜樂捐                                          Induction
               One Profits Most Who Serves Best (2010)       新社員入社儀式
               They Profit Most Who Serve Best (2004)        Informal Meeting
               He Profits Most Who Serves Best (1911)        非正式會議
               服務最多、獲益最大                                     Inner Wheel Club
               Health Insurance                              內輪會
               健康保險                                          Insignia

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