Page 134 - 2021-22GMS基金獎助金管理研習手冊
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2020-21 GMS 扶輪基金獎助金管理研習會
2021-22 GMS 扶輪基金獎助金管理研習會
9. Undergraduate studies, such as for a bachelor’s degree
10. Multiple unrelated projects under one grant
Apply for grants online in the Grant Center.
To receive a grant from The Rotary Foundation, all the primary sponsor districts involved need to be qualified by
the Foundation. For global grants, all the primary sponsor clubs involved need to be qualified by their district.
Districts, clubs, and all grant committee members also need to be in good standing with Rotary International and
The Rotary Foundation, and the name of the project receiving the grant needs to be in compliance with the Rotary
International policies for use of the Rotary logos, emblems, and graphics (see section II). People who may not
serve on a grant committee include Rotary International fiscal agents, national treasurers, and board members
and paid staff of a cooperating or beneficiary organization associated with the grant. As a primary sponsor, each
district and each club is limited to 10 open grants at a time.
District grants
Your district needs to establish a grant committee of three Rotarians: the district governor of the implementation
year, the district Rotary Foundation committee chair, and the district grants subcommittee chair. These
committee members are responsible for authorizing and submitting the district grant application.
Districts may submit one application per Rotary year, and it needs to include a spending plan. Any requests for an
increase in the grant amount need to be made before the Foundation has paid any portion of the grant. All district
grant applications must be received by 15 May of the Rotary year for which the funds are requested.
In a district grant application:
1. Your district may allocate up to 20 percent of its district grant funds for contingencies that may arise
during the year, but all projects and activities you add to the grant after it has been approved need to then
be approved by the Foundation before you can spend the money. Note this contingency fund on the
spending plan and itemize contingency items when you submit your final report.
2. You may allocate up to 3 percent of the grant award for grant-related administrative expenses, such as
bank fees, postage, software, and an independent financial assessment.
Global grants
Primary host and international sponsors need to each establish a grant committee of three Rotarians for a global
grant. Members of this grant committee need to come from the primary sponsor club (if the grant is club-
sponsored) or district (if the grant is district-sponsored). For club-sponsored grant applications, district Rotary
Foundation committee chairs need to confirm that the primary sponsor clubs are qualified. Applications are
accepted on a rolling basis throughout the Rotary year and approved throughout the year, based on the availability
Terms and Conditions for Rotary Foundation District Grants and Global Grants (September 2020) 5