Page 130 - 2021-22GMS基金獎助金管理研習手冊
P. 130

                                         DISTRICT GRANTS AND GLOBAL GRANTS
                                         The Rotary Foundation may modify these terms and conditions at any time to reflect policy changes and to add
                                         clarity. Some recent changes include:
                                                Clarifying that district grants may be used to support Rotary Youth Exchange, RYLA, Rotary Friendship
                                                Exchange (with vocational emphasis), Rotaract, Interact, New Generations Service Exchange, costs
                                                associated with conducting community assessments, construction, and renovation (see section II)
                                                Clarifying that Level 1 global grant applications include those requesting up to $50,000 from the World
                                                Fund (see section IV)
                                                Updating information about the global grant match (see section VI)
                                                Updating the definition of global grants to have a minimum budget of $30,000 and a maximum World
                                                Fund award of $400,000 and explaining that grant sponsors have the option of financing global grants
                                                without a World Fund match (see section VI)
                                                Changing the international contribution requirement for global grants that fund humanitarian projects
                                                from 30 to 15 percent (see section VI)
                                                Clarifying work restrictions for project beneficiaries (see section III)

                                         You can find additional updates and resources at

                                         I. WHAT WE FUND
                                         The Rotary Foundation funds district grants and global grants. We distribute district grants as lump sums that pay
                                         for scholarships, travel, and projects that all align with our mission. That mission is to help Rotarians contribute
                                         to world understanding, goodwill, and peace by improving people’s health, supporting education, and alleviating
                                         poverty. We fund global grants for international graduate-level scholarships, vocational training teams, and
                                         projects that have measurable goals, are sustainable and based on community needs, and are centered on at least
                                         one of our six areas of focus.                                                       ENGLISH (EN)

                                         II. ELIGIBILITY GUIDELINES
                            2020-21 GMS 扶輪基金獎助金管理研習會
                            2021-22 GMS 扶輪基金獎助金管理研習會
                                         All Foundation grant activities need to:                 ENGLISH (EN)
                                            1.  Relate to the Foundation’s mission
               附錄四                       Terms and Conditions for Rotary Foundation District Grants and Global Grants (September 2020)   1

              The Rotary Foundation may modify these terms and conditions at any time to reflect policy changes and to add
              clarity. Some recent changes include:
                 •   Clarifying that district grants may be used to support Rotary Youth Exchange, RYLA, Rotary Friendship
                    Exchange (with vocational emphasis), Rotaract, Interact, New Generations Service Exchange, costs
                    associated with conducting community assessments, construction, and renovation (see section II)
                 •   Clarifying that Level 1 global grant applications include those requesting up to $50,000 from the World
                    Fund (see section IV)
                 •   Updating information about the global grant match (see section VI)
                 •   Updating the definition of global grants to have a minimum budget of $30,000 and a maximum World
                    Fund award of $400,000 and explaining that grant sponsors have the option of financing global grants
                    without a World Fund match (see section VI)
                 •   Changing the international contribution requirement for global grants that fund humanitarian projects
                    from 30 to 15 percent (see section VI)
                 •   Clarifying work restrictions for project beneficiaries (see section III)

              You can find additional updates and resources at

              I. WHAT WE FUND

              The Rotary Foundation funds district grants and global grants. We distribute district grants as lump sums that pay
              for scholarships, travel, and projects that all align with our mission. That mission is to help Rotarians contribute
              to world understanding, goodwill, and peace by improving people’s health, supporting education, and alleviating
              poverty. We fund global grants for international graduate-level scholarships, vocational training teams, and
              projects that have measurable goals, are sustainable and based on community needs, and are centered on at least
              one of our six areas of focus.


              All Foundation grant activities need to:

                 1.  Relate to the Foundation’s mission

              Terms and Conditions for Rotary Foundation District Grants and Global Grants (September 2020)   1

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