Page 133 - 2021-22GMS基金獎助金管理研習手冊
P. 133
4. Fundraising activities
5. Expenses related to Rotary events such as district conferences, conventions, institutes, anniversary
celebrations, or entertainment activities
6. Public relations initiatives, unless they are essential to carrying out the project
7. Project signs that cost more than $1,000
8. The operating, administrative, or indirect program expenses of another organization, with the exception
of expenses allowed within the project management allocation for global grants
9. Unrestricted cash donations to a beneficiary or cooperating organization
10. Activities for which the cost has already been incurred
11. Transportation of vaccines over national borders without prior approval of appropriate government and
regulatory authorities in the originating and recipient countries
12. Travel to National Immunization Days
13. Immunizations that consist solely of the polio vaccine
14. Study at a university that hosts a Rotary Peace Center in the same or similar academic program as Rotary
Peace Fellows
15. Projects that require a person to work without pay. Projects should instead strive to reinforce labor rights
and fair wage practices. If beneficiaries are required to provide sweat equity their explicit consent is
16. Projects that requires work from someone below the country’s legal working age, or under age 16 if the
law doesn’t specify.
Global grants
In addition to the restrictions listed above, global grants cannot fund:
1. Rotary Youth Exchange, RYLA, Rotary Friendship Exchange, Rotaract, Interact, or New Generations
Service Exchange programs
2. International travel for people under age 18, unless they are accompanied by a parent or guardian
3. New construction of any permanent structure in which people live, work, or spend a significant amount of
time, such as hospitals or container and mobile homes, or of structures in which people carry out
activities such as manufacturing and processing. If the grant depends on the construction of a building,
that construction must be paid for with non-grant funds.
4. Renovations to complete buildings that are partially constructed (including those with only the exterior
completed) but that have never been occupied or operational
5. Travel for staff of a cooperating organization involved in a humanitarian project
6. Activities primarily carried out by an organization other than Rotary
7. Humanitarian projects that are primarily research-oriented or focused on data collection
8. Humanitarian projects that consist solely of individual travel expenses
Terms and Conditions for Rotary Foundation District Grants and Global Grants (September 2020) 4