Page 153 - 2024-25 GMS研習會手冊
P. 153

Please send five original certificates on each project to:   spouses of those children or grandchildren, or parents or grandparents by blood of people listed above;
                   and employees of agencies, organizations, or institutions that work with Rotary International or the
 Phil. Consulting Center, Inc.
 c/o Erika Mae Bautista

 2D Penthouse, Salamin Bldg.
           Former Rotarians will be ineligible for three years after the end of their membership. People who were ineligible
 197 Salcedo St., Legaspi Village   based on their family relationship with a former Rotarian will also be ineligible for three years after the end of

 Makati City 1229   their relative’s membership. These people will be eligible, however, to participate in vocational training teams and
           in individual travel for humanitarian projects (if they are determined to be qualified to do so) funded by district
            grants and global grants as long as they provide a benefit to others.

 You can get sample templates of the certification from the Rotary International South Pacific and Philippines   Impartiality of selection committees
 office. Certifications of projects that were paid for from July to May should be received by 30 June of the same   Rotarians who serve on a club- or district-level selection committee for a Foundation program need to be
 fiscal year, while those paid in June should be received by 31 July.   completely transparent about their personal, family, or business relationship with an applicant and must, before a

           selection process, notify the committee chair of any actual or perceived conflict of interest (for example, working
           at the same business or organization, being members of the same Rotary club or a member of the club sponsoring
 XIV. CONFLICT OF INTEREST POLICY FOR PROGRAM PARTICIPANTS  an application, or having a family relationship with a candidate).

 Ensuring integrity in The Rotary Foundation grants program requires that all people involved in a program grant
 or award conduct themselves in a way that avoids any conflicts of interest. A conflict of interest occurs when   The selection committee chair will decide if and how that committee member should participate in the selection
 someone is in a position to make or influence a decision about a grant or award that could benefit them, an   process. If the selection committee chair has an actual or perceived conflict of interest, the club board or the
 immediate family member, a business partner, or an entity in which they, an immediate family member, or a   district Rotary Foundation chair will decide if and how that person should participate in the selection process.
 business partner has a significant financial interest or in which any of them is a trustee, director, or officer.
           Business transactions with vendors

 All actual or potential conflicts of interest need to be disclosed to the general secretary. If you’re not sure if there’s   Before the Foundation, a Rotary district, a Rotary club, or a Rotarian conducts business related to a Foundation
 a potential conflict, you should disclose it. No Rotarians can serve on a grant committee for any global grant for   program award that involves a vendor being paid by a Rotary entity, a fair, open, and thorough request for
 which they have a conflict of interest. Global grants may not be financed with contributions (directed gifts,   proposals or bidding process must be conducted to ensure that the best services are secured at a reasonable cost.
 Corporate Social Responsibility funds, etc.) from donors who have conflicts of interest regarding the grant.   Possible conflicts of interest may arise when a Rotary entity is considering business in which funds will be paid to
           a Rotarian, a provider of goods or services owned or managed by a Rotarian, honorary Rotarian, and the people
           listed above who are ineligible for Foundation awards.
 The general secretary will advise grant applicants on how to interpret and implement this policy. The general
 secretary and/or the Trustees will determine whether a conflict of interest exists in a particular case. If they
 conclude that there is or has been a conflict of interest in a grant or award, the general secretary will recommend   Business relationships that may need further review to confirm that there’s no conflict of interest include
 to the Trustees an appropriate remedy to protect the integrity of the grant process. That remedy may be canceling   transactions with a partner nongovernmental organization, provider of goods or services, insurance company,
 current funding or suspending future funding involving a particular Rotarian, club, or district.   travel agency, shipping agency, study institution, or a language skills testing firm. These kinds of business
            transactions can be completed with the general secretary’s approval if they provide the best product or service at
           fair market cost, as evidenced by a sales quote or offer obtained through a fair, open, and thorough process.
 Award recipient eligibility

 Some people are not eligible to be candidates or final award recipients or beneficiaries of any Foundation
           The general secretary will provide advice on how to interpret and implement this policy. Any Rotarian or Rotary
 program. As listed in section 9.3 of the Foundation bylaws, they include:
           entity with an unresolved conflict of interest involving a program grant or award must report it to the general
 1.  Current Rotarians  secretary at least 30 days before the selection process or proposed transaction. The general secretary will decide if
            a conflict of interest might exist in a particular case. If the general secretary then decides there is or has been a
 2. Employees of clubs, districts, other Rotary entities (as defined in section 1.040. of the Rotary Code of
 Policies) and of Rotary International  conflict of interest in a grant or award, he or she will determine an appropriate remedy that may include canceling
            current funding or suspending future funding that involves a particular Rotarian, club, or district.
 3. The spouses; children or grandchildren by blood, legal adoption, or marriage without adoption; the

           Terms and Conditions for Rotary Foundation District Grants and Global Grants (July 2021)

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