Page 171 - 2024-25 GMS研習會手冊
P. 171

1.  持續性 在扶輪社或地區完成工作之後,地主社區能夠繼續進一步保護環境與永續發展。

 2.  可測量 贊助者必須設定目標,並選定衡量成果的標準。

 3.  社區主導 必須能夠解決地主社區確認的需求。   AREAS OF FOCUS POLICY STATEMENTS

              The Rotary Foundation (TRF) strives to process grants efficiently and ensure the quality of grant-funded
              projects. In each policy statement, you’ll find lists of eligible and ineligible activities, including examples
 全球獎助金資助有志於從事環境相關工作的專業人士,在研究所層級攻讀的獎學金。扶輪基金會在審核全  of the types of projects that Rotary clubs and districts have successfully implemented. All grant requests
 球獎助金獎學金申請時,會考慮下列事項:   must comply with the policy statement related to their intended area of focus. Project planning is the
              responsibility of the host club or district.
 1.  申請者先前在環境相關領域的工作經驗

 2.  學術計畫與環境的相關性,如自然資源管理、環境工程、環境衛生、環境毒理學、林業、保育管理

 3.  申請者的未來職業計畫是否與環境保護有關   Rotary supports training, education, and practices related to peacebuilding and conflict prevention
              through initiatives that help transform  conflict in our communities and around the world.

              Area of Focus Statement of Purpose and Goals

              TRF enables Rotarians to advance peacebuilding and prevent conflict by:

                 1.  Enhancing the capacity of individuals and communities to transform conflict and build peace
                 2. Training community members in peace education, peace leadership, and conflict prevention and

                 3. Providing services that help integrate vulnerable populations into society
                 4. Improving dialogue and community relations to determine how best to manage natural resources

                 5.  Funding graduate scholarships for career-minded professionals related to peacebuilding and
                     conflict prevention

              Parameters for Eligibility
              TRF considers the following activities to be within the scope of the peacebuilding and conflict prevention
              area of focus:

                 1.  Group activities including workshops, trainings, and other programs that support peace
                     leadership and education, Positive Peace,  community integration of vulnerable populations,

              1 Conflict transformation involves identifying and working with the underlying conditions, relationships, and social
              structures that give rise to conflict. Through this process, one moves beyond conflict resolution or management to
              change the environment that has led to conflict. This focus on transformation helps ensure sustainable peace.

              2 Rotary has a strategic partnership with the Institute for Economics and Peace to help address the underlying
              causes of conflict and create conditions that foster peace. Learn more about our work in Positive Peace.

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