Page 177 - 2024-25 GMS研習會手冊
P. 177

4. Nonconventional or alternative therapies for treating physical and mental disabilities, unless they  WATER, SANITATION, AND HYGIENE
 include clinical protocols supervised by health care professionals
              Rotary supports activities that encourage the management and protection of freshwater resources and
 5.  Treatment of pervasive developmental disorders and other spectral disorders, including autism,  provide universal and equitable access to safe drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene. TRF seeks to
 unless there are measurable clinical interventions that demonstrate an improvement of the  empower governments, institutions, and communities to manage their water, sanitation, and hygiene
 disorder’s long-term impact  services through environmentally sound, measurable, and sustainable interventions.

 6. Nutrition programs, unless they target clinical malnutrition or interventions in the first 1,000
 days between a woman’s pregnancy and her child’s second birthday  Area of Focus Statement of Purpose and Goals
 7.  Introduction of new technology without documentation of its prior successful use in the project  TRF enables Rotarians to ensure communities’ sustainable access to water, sanitation, and hygiene by:
 area and appropriate operations, maintenance, replacement, and repair systems in place
                 1.  Facilitating universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water
 8. General health education and public safety programs
                 2. Improving water quality by protecting and maintaining surface- and groundwater resources,
                     reducing pollution and contaminants, and promoting wastewater reuse
 Elements of Successful Humanitarian Projects and Vocational Training Teams
                 3. Facilitating universal and equitable access to improved sanitation and waste management
 Disease prevention and treatment global grants are:   services in order to achieve open defecation-free communities

 1.  Sustainable — Communities can address their disease prevention and treatment needs after the  4. Improving community hygiene knowledge, behaviors, and practices that help prevent the spread
 Rotary club or district completes its work.  of disease
 2. Measurable — Sponsors need to set targets and identify measurements to track project outcomes.  5.  Strengthening the capacity of governments, institutions, and communities to develop, finance,
 Standard measures for disease prevention and treatment are listed in the Global Grant  manage, and maintain sustainable water and sanitation services
 Monitoring and Evaluation Plan Supplement.
                 6. Funding graduate scholarships for career-minded professionals related to water, sanitation, and
 3. Community-driven — Projects meet the needs identified by the host community.  hygiene

 Elements of Successful Scholarships   Parameters for Eligibility

 Global grants support graduate-level scholarships for professionals interested in pursuing careers related   TRF considers the following activities to be within the scope of the water, sanitation, and hygiene area of
 to disease prevention and treatment. TRF considers the following when evaluating global grant   focus:
 scholarship applications:
                 1.  Ensuring access to safe drinking water, including projects focused on water supply, storage,
 1.  The applicant’s previous work experience in the field of disease prevention and treatment  purification, treatment, and source water protection
 2. The academic program’s alignment with disease prevention and treatment, such as public health  2. Ensuring access to improved sanitation, defined as the collection, treatment, and disposal of
 and advanced degrees in nursing and medicine  human excreta or urine through sanitation infrastructure and fecal-sludge management,
                     treatment, and disposal
 3. The applicant’s career plans as they relate to disease prevention and treatment
                 3. Providing hygiene education that promotes healthy behaviors such as hand washing, safe disposal
                     of human waste, safe water storage, and proper menstrual hygiene. The program must identify
                     the factors that prevent or encourage positive behaviors and describe how to address barriers.

                 4. Providing solid waste management systems, defined as the process of collecting, treating and
                     disposing of solid waste materials
                 5.  Using watershed management practices to protect source water and recharge surface and
                     groundwater resources

                 6. Supplying water for crop, livestock, and fisheries production

                 7.  Developing sustainable management practices to support water and sanitation services, including

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