Page 179 - 2024-25 GMS研習會手冊
P. 179

community governance, financing and planning, system maintenance, and delivery   MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH

 8. Organizing strategic advocacy initiatives to encourage regional, national, and local authorities to  Rotary supports activities and training to improve maternal health and reduce mortality for children
 implement policies that support sustainable access to water, sanitation, and hygiene. These  under five. Projects strengthen the health care system  by improving access to and expanding medical
 include allocating funding for related services, establishing standards and guidelines, and  services, providing medical equipment, and training health care personnel.
 developing processes for certifying communities as open defecation-free.

              Area of Focus Statement of Purpose and Goals

 TRF considers the following activities to be outside the scope of the water, sanitation, and hygiene area of   TRF enables Rotarians to improve the health of mothers and their children by:
 focus and not eligible for global grant funding:
                 1.  Reducing the neonatal and newborn mortality rate
 1.  Hygiene programming that focuses on increasing knowledge and providing standardized
 information rather than changing behavior. One-time education sessions are not eligible.  2. Reducing the mortality and morbidity rate of children under five
                 3. Reducing the maternal mortality and morbidity rate
 2. Single-event river or beach clean-ups that are not part of a watershed management project
                 4. Improving access to essential medical services, trained community health workers, and health
 3. Projects that solely construct water and sanitation systems
                     care providers

                 5.  Funding graduate scholarships for career-minded professionals related to maternal and child
 Elements of Successful Humanitarian Projects and Vocational Training Teams
 Water, sanitation, and hygiene global grants are:

 1.  Sustainable — Communities and governments can better address their water, sanitation, and  Parameters for Eligibility
 hygiene needs after the Rotary club or district completes its work.
              TRF considers the following activities to be within the scope of the maternal and child health area of
 2. Measurable — Sponsors need to set targets and identify measurements to track project outcomes  focus:
 in water, sanitation, and hygiene and water resource management. Standard measures are listed
 in the Global Grant Monitoring and Evaluation Plan Supplement.  1.  Maternal prenatal, delivery, and antenatal care
                 2. Training or “train the trainer” initiatives for maternal and child community health care workers
 3. Community driven — Projects meet the needs identified by the host community. Governments,
                     and medical professionals
 communities, and businesses work together to build, own, and operate sustainable water and
 sanitation systems.  3. Projects that provide medical equipment to health care facilities. Equipment must meet current
                     technology standards and satisfy environmental criteria for power, water, and air quality. Grant
                     sponsors must provide proof of ownership and operational and maintenance plans, including
 Elements of Successful Scholarships
                     documentation showing that personnel received training on equipment operation and
 Global grants support graduate-level scholarships for professionals interested in pursuing careers in   maintenance, or a training plan that ensures compliance. Equipment projects must include
 water, sanitation, and hygiene. TRF considers the following when evaluating global grant scholarship   educational activities for women related to healthy pregnancy, delivery, or neonatal care.
                 4. Education about and enhanced access to family planning and other sexual and reproductive
 1.  The applicant’s previous work experience in the field of water, sanitation, and hygiene or water  health interventions and services available through the health care system
 resource management
                 5.  Immunizations for women, adolescent girls, and children under five
 2. The academic program’s alignment with water, sanitation, and hygiene or water resource
                 6. Interventions to combat pneumonia, diarrhea, malaria, measles, and other major causes of
 management. Examples include water and sanitation engineering, environmental engineering,
                     disease in women and children under five
 integrated water resource and systems management, hydrology, and public health.
                 7.  Interventions to reduce the transmission and impact of sexually transmitted disease in
 3. The applicant’s career plans as they relate to water and sanitation
                     adolescents and women

              4 A health care system includes both the public and private sectors engaged in the delivery of health care services.

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