Page 189 - 2024-25 GMS研習會手冊
P. 189

ENVIRONMENT         f.  Preserving biodiversity across jurisdictions by conserving migratory species and preventing

                         the illegal wildlife trade
 Rotary supports activities that strengthen the conservation and protection of natural resources, advance
 environmental sustainability, and foster harmony between people and the environment. At Rotary,   2. Enhancing the capacity of communities and local governments to carry out natural resource
 environmental sustainability means ensuring the responsible care and use of Earth’s natural resources for   management and conservation
 the greatest benefit of living things in a way that supports ecological integrity, planetary health, and future   a.  Training and educating communities in conservation and resource management to preserve,
                         protect, and sustainably use natural resources and natural heritage

                     b. Mitigating human-wildlife conflict through ecologically sound, peaceful, and equitable
 Area of Focus Statement of Purpose and Global Objectives   resolutions

 TRF enables Rotary members and partners to protect, preserve, and conserve the environment through a   c.  Building capacity of governments or local groups to prevent and combat deforestation and
 variety of project pathways in order to:   wildfires

 I. Conserve nature and biodiversity, from species to landscape-scale protection  d. Developing peacebuilding and conflict prevention initiatives related to natural resource

 II. Mitigate climate change, by reducing or avoiding greenhouse gas emissions or ensuring that they are  management and use (in conjunction with the policy statements and guidelines for
 absorbed or stored in natural carbon sinks   peacebuilding and conflict prevention)

 III. Facilitate sustainable and adaptable livelihoods with smaller ecological footprints that maintain  e.  Forming and strengthening grassroots environmental and natural resource management
 people’s social well-being in compatibility with flourishing natural systems   groups

 IV. Strengthen environmental equity by addressing socio-environmental issues that disproportionally  3. Supporting agroecology and sustainable agriculture, fishing, and aquaculture practices
 affect marginalized communities   a.  Increasing adoption of ecologically viable agriculture practices through regenerative
                         agriculture, conservation agriculture, managed grazing, agroforestry, silvopasture, or tree
 Eligible grant projects will demonstrate one or more of the environment area global objectives (above)
 and match at least one action goal (below).   b. Supporting sustainable fisheries and ecologically sound aquaculture
                     c.  Promoting, revitalizing, and preserving the use of traditional and Indigenous knowledge in
                         agricultural, land, ocean, and natural resource management practices
 Eligible Action Goals and Activities
                     d. Improving food security through sustainable agricultural, aquaculture, and fishing methods,
 TRF considers the following activities to be within the scope of the environment area of focus:   support to local food sources, agricultural diversity, reduced food waste, and equitable access

 1.  Protecting and restoring land, coastal, marine, and freshwater resources  to high-quality food
 a.  Protecting and restoring terrestrial ecosystems through initiatives such as preventing  e.  Supporting sustainable production of natural craft goods, herbs, and non-timber forest
 deforestation and habitat degradation, planting native vegetation, promoting reforestation  products compatible with conservation (if applicable, also in conjunction with the policy
 and habitat restoration, and removing invasive plant and animal species  statements and guidelines for community economic development)

 b. Protecting and restoring coastal, marine, and freshwater ecosystems through initiatives such  f.  Supporting sustainable natural resource use for non-market, subsistence, and cultural needs
 as protecting and propagating native plant and animal species, removing invasive species,  4. Addressing the causes of climate change through reductions in the emission of greenhouse gases
 and addressing overfishing, pollution, coastal erosion, and ocean acidification  and interventions in energy usage

 c.  Prioritizing action to monitor and guard nature against threats of degradation  a.  Providing access to locally sourced, renewable energy, including solar, methane-capture, and

 d. Supporting targeted initiatives to improve aquifer and groundwater recharging, water  small-scale wind power systems, as part of comprehensive interventions in energy systems
 conservation, water quality, and watershed management (in conjunction with the policy  b. Reducing the environmental footprint—amount of natural resources used or pollution
 statements and guidelines for water, sanitation, and hygiene)  produced—of energy consumption at the household level through efficient electricity, clean

 e.  Preserving biodiversity by protecting habitats, conserving native species, preventing  cooking methods (e.g. stoves, refrigeration, etc.), and heating/ventilation/air-conditioning
 poaching, and monitoring and protecting endangered species  systems (HVAC)

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