Page 193 - 2024-25 GMS研習會手冊
P. 193

9. Lobbying as defined by the law in the country where the project takes place

            附錄六   2024-25 年度地區獎助金提案格式
 Note: This list is not a complete list of ineligible activities. For more information on project design
 requirements, refer to the Environment Guidelines for Global Grant Funding.                收件序號:
             2024-25 年度 RID3522 地區獎助金提案單(District Grants Proposal)

 Elements of Successful Humanitarian Projects and Vocational Training Teams
                        1. 申請社:____________________ 社  分區:____________________
 Environment global grants are:
                        2. 2024-25 年度社長:姓名 ________________Nickname______________
 1.  Sustainable — Communities can continue to make progress in environmental protection and
 sustainability after the Rotary clubs or districts complete their work.  聯絡電話: (O) ___________________ (MP)_________________________

 2. Measurable — Sponsors need to set targets and identify measurements to track project outcomes.  E-mail:______________________________________________________
 3. Community-driven — Projects meet the needs identified by the host community.  3. 2024-25 年度扶輪基金主委:姓名       Nickname
                          聯絡電話: (O)        __________________      (MP)   ___________________

 Elements of Successful Scholarships   E-mail: __________________________________________________

 Environment global grants support graduate-level scholarships through two programs for professionals
 who want to pursue careers related to the environment. The first is a core environmental fields   協辦社(請全部列舉):_________________________________________________
 scholarship program. The second is a scholarship program for self-identified Indigenous applicants to   專案名稱及簡述(中文):_______________________________________
 pursue a course of study from a broader curricular range related to the intersection of environmental and
 Indigenous studies.     ____________________________________________________________

 For the core environmental fields program, TRF considers these factors:
 1.  The applicant’s previous work experience in environmental fields

 2. The academic program’s alignment with the environment, through an eligible field of study, such  專案地點:  ___________________________________________________
 as natural resources management, environmental toxicology, conservation biology, or  Project Name and Description(請以英文填寫):  ___________________
 environmental justice (full list in Environment Guidelines for Global Grant Funding)
 3. The applicant’s career plans as they relate to the environment

 For the Indigenous environmental studies program, TRF considers these factors:   _____________________________________________________________

 1.  The applicant’s previous professional or academic experience in environment-related fields  Project Site:    _________________________________________________

 2. The academic program’s alignment with any of the disciplines listed above in the first program, or
 from the additional options listed in the Environment Guidelines for Global Grant Funding  幣別:口台幣口美金(國內案件請以新台幣計算,援外案件請以美金計算)
 3. The applicant’s career plans as they relate to the environment or to addressing environmental  專案總額:____________________ 自籌款金額:_____________________
 issues that Indigenous peoples face  預計執行日:_____________________ ( 西元年 / 月 / 日 )


                        2024-25 年度申請社長:               2024-25 年度協辦社長:                申請日期:

 Areas of Focus Policy Statements (April 2023)
                           ※ 紙本申請書正本亦請寄送至地區辦事處,11155台北市士林區中山北路六段7號4樓

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