Page 150 - 2023-24 RFGMS研習會手冊
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or implement the project if the host sponsor confirms that people who have the skills to do so aren’t readily
available locally
Global grant-funded activities may not:
A. Discriminate against any group
B. Promote a particular political or religious viewpoint
C. Perform purely religious functions
D. Provide continuous or excessive support of any one beneficiary, entity, or community
E. Establish a foundation, permanent trust, or long-term interest-bearing account. (Grant funds can be used
to establish a microcredit fund if the sponsors comply with the requirements detailed in section 10,
F. Create financial liability for The Rotary Foundation or Rotary International that is greater than the grant
G. Include fundraising activities
H. Transport vaccines over national borders without prior approval of appropriate government and regulatory
authorities in the originating and recipient countries
I. Require anyone to work without pay. (Projects should strive to uphold labor rights and fair wage practices;
if beneficiaries are required to volunteer on the project, their explicit consent is required.)
J. Require work by anyone below the country’s legal working age or, if the law doesn’t specify, anyone under
age 16
Global grant funds may not be used to pay for:
K. Expenses that are incurred, or activities that are in progress or already completed, before the grant is
L. Contributions to The Rotary Foundation, PolioPlus, or another Foundation grant
M. Purchases of land or buildings
N. Weapons or ammunition
O. Expenses related to Rotary events such as district conferences, conventions, institutes, anniversary
celebrations, entertainment events, or project ceremonies
P. Public relations initiatives, unless they are essential to completing the project
Q. Project signage that costs more than $1,000
R. The operating, administrative, or indirect program expenses of another organization, with the exception of
expenses allowed within the project management allocation for global grants
S. Unrestricted cash donations to a beneficiary or cooperating organization
T. COVID-19 vaccines
Terms and Conditions for Rotary Foundation Global Grants (April 2022)
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