Page 47 - 18-19年度RFGMS手冊電子書專用
P. 47
Rotory Foundation Grant Management Seminar
Marks”), as outlined in Sections 33.040.6 and 33.040.12 of the Rotary Code of Policies.
9. Include signage on or in conjunction with projects that identifies the role of the grant sponsors and
The Rotary Foundation in accordance with Rotary’s Voice and Visual Identity Guidelines.
District Grants
1. Support local and international projects, scholarships, vocational training teams, and related travel
2. May allocate up to 3 percent of the grant award for grant-related administrative expenses such as
bank fees, postage, software, and an independent financial assessment ◆
3. May allocate up to 20 percent of the grant for contingencies, but all projects and activities added to TOP
the grant post-approval must be pre-approved by TRF
4. May fund projects and activities in Rotary and non-Rotary countries and geographic areas where
permitted by applicable governing laws and in accordance with Foundation policies
5. May fund scholar and vocational training team orientation and grant management seminars
Global Grants
1. Align with one or more of Rotary’s areas of focus
2. Are sustainable. Host communities must be able to address their own needs after the Rotary club
or district has completed its work.
3. Are measurable. Sponsors select standard measures from the Global Grant Monitoring and
Evaluation Plan supplement, and may add their own measurements. Expenses to measure project
outcomes are capped at 10 percent of the project budget.
4. Are host community-driven. The host community designs the grant based on local needs that they
have identified.
5. May allocate up to 10 percent of the project budget for project management costs, which may
include a project manager and project-specific overhead and administrative costs of cooperating
6. Support humanitarian and educational projects
7. Provide international scholarships to fund graduate-level coursework or research or its equivalent
for a term of one to four academic years
8. Support vocational training teams that address a humanitarian need by providing or receiving
professional training
9. Support travel for up to two individuals as part of a humanitarian project. These individuals provide
training or implement the project should the host club confirm that their skills are not readily available
10. Support communities in Rotary countries and geographical areas
11. Are sponsored by at least one Rotary club or district in the country or geographical area where