Page 46 - 18-19年度RFGMS手冊電子書專用
P. 46
Rotory Foundation Grant Management Seminar
附 錄 一
Terms & Conditions for Rotary Foundation District Grants and Global Grants
Terms and Conditions for Rotary Foundation District Grants and Global Grants (updated July 2016) 1
For grants awarded after 1 July 2013
The Rotary Foundation (TRF) may modify the terms and conditions of the grant at any time.
Updates can be found on or requested from Rotary grants staff. Terms and
conditions for packaged grants may be found on the website.
The Rotary Foundation funds district grants and global grants. District grants are block grants
to districts that fund scholarships, projects, and travel that align with the mission of The Rotary
Foundation, which is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace
through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty. Global
grants fund scholarships, projects, vocational training teams, and some travel within the six areas of
focus that are sustainable, measurable, and host community-driven.
All Foundation grant activities must:
1. Relate to the mission of The Rotary Foundation
2. Include the active participation of Rotarians
3. Exclude any liability to The Rotary Foundation or Rotary International beyond the funding amount
of the grant
4. Adhere to the governing laws of the United States and the host area of the grant, and harm no
individuals or entities. Sponsors for projects and travel planned for countries sanctioned by the
US Department of the Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control may need to supply additional
5. Only fund activities that have been reviewed and approved by TRF before their implementation.
Grants may not be used to reimburse clubs or districts for activities and expenses already completed
or in progress. Planning for grant activities prior to approval is encouraged, but expenses may not be
incurred. After grant approval, any changes to the original project plan must be pre-approved by TRF.
TRF considers each semester of a degree program to be a new activity and therefore eligible for
6. Demonstrate sensitivity to the host area’s tradition and culture
7. Comply with the Conflict of Interest Policy for Program Participants as outlined in section 10.030 of
The Rotary Foundation Code of Policies and in Section XII below.
8. Comply with the Rotary International policies for use of Rotary International’s trademarks (“Rotary