Page 54 - 18-19年度RFGMS手冊電子書專用
P. 54

Rotory Foundation Grant Management Seminar

            1. Verification from both primary sponsors that the grant is initiated, controlled, and managed by
            Rotary clubs or districts
            2. Endorsement from the primary sponsors affirming that the cooperating organization is reputable,
            responsible, and acting within all governing laws
            3. Grant implementation plan clearly delineating the activities of each party
            4. Agreement from the cooperating organization to participate in any financial review by the
            Foundation of activities connected with the grant

            VIII. PAYMENTS
            District Grants
            Grant funds will be paid only to the district or district foundation bank account identified by the district
            at the time of application. District grant funds will not be released until the previous Rotary year’s
            district grant is closed. District grants are paid out at the current RI exchange rate at the time of
            payment. Funds are not available after the close of the implementation year; if sponsors do not meet
            all payment requirements by 31 May of the implementation year, the grant will be canceled.

            Global Grants
            Grant funds will not be released until sponsor contributions have been submitted to The Rotary
            Foundation, any payment contingencies have been met and the legal agreement has been
            authorized. Grant funds will be paid to the account provided in the application and must remain
            in that account until used for the direct payment of project expenses. Direct payment is defined
            as a payment made directly to a project vendor or reimbursement to a cooperating or beneficiary
            organization. Project funds may not be provided to a vendor, cooperating or beneficiary organization
            in advance of project expenses or services. Organizations being reimbursed for the purchase of
            project expenses must provide Rotarian sponsors with copies of the original invoice or receipt prior
            to payment. Account signatories must be members of the sponsoring club or district. Grants will be
            paid out at the current RI exchange rate at the time of payment. If a grant project is canceled after
            the project sponsors receive payment, all remaining grant funds must be returned to the Foundation,
            where they will be credited to the World Fund.
            Grants for which the World Fund award is between $50,001 and $200,000 will be paid in installments
            according to a spending plan. Subsequent payments will be made after the grant sponsors submit
            an accepted progress report and an interim site visit has been conducted by the Cadre of Technical
            The following points apply to global grants funded with cash contributions:
            1. All grant-related transactions will be recorded using the current published monthly RI exchange
            rate, and all grant-related transactions will be officially communicated in US dollars.
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