Page 41 - 2024-25 GMS研習會手冊
P. 41

7. Reporting Misuse of Grant Funds
 The club must report any potential and real misuse or mismanagement of grant funds to the district. This  附錄二
 reporting fosters an environment in the club that does not tolerate the misuse of grant funds.

 Authorization and Agreement
 This memorandum of understanding is an agreement between the club and the district and acknowledges
 that the club will undertake measures to ensure the proper implementation of grant activities and proper   全球獎助金社區調查結果
 management of Foundation grant funds. By authorizing this document, the club agrees to comply with all
 of the conditions and requirements of the MOU.
 On behalf of the Rotary Club of ___________________________, the undersigned agree to comply with
 all of the conditions and requirements of the MOU for Rotary year ______________ and will notify   籌畫有成效且具持續性的全球獎助金專案時,首先必須針對您預計協助的社區進行調查,以瞭解其優勢、
 Rotary International District __________ of any changes or revisions to club policies and procedures   弱點、需求和資產。有關詳盡的說明和訣竅,請參閱 社區調查工具 。
 related to these requirements.
 Club President   Club President-elect   要條件。請為每個受益社區 (例如:學校、健康保健體系或村落) 填寫一份表格。填入的資訊必須是針對每
 Term  Term   個社區的最新資訊。雖然您無法使用全球獎助金的資金來支付調查費用,但您可以使用地區獎助金支付。
 Name  Name
 Signature  Signature

 Date  Date   社區概要

              請說明受益社區的特點 (例如:地理資訊、主要的收入來源、人口規模和接受教育/健康保健服務的機會)。


              您在進行調查時曾和社區中的哪些人談話?應至少有兩位不同的社區代表和沒有參與扶輪的受益者 (例如:
              教師、醫師或社區領導人) 參加討論。


              您使用何種方法從社區人士收集資料 (例如:社區會議、訪談或焦點團體訪談)?

 Club Memorandum of Understanding (June 2012)

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